Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Should of known better.

Me being me I have decided to once again leave college work until last minute. I have to write my contextual study essay for my project and hand it in tomorrow. There is a lot of work to be done but hopefully it all works out in the end. But yesterday in college me and my friend Jenny started developing our film images and some of them are beginning to look really good! My project is almost like mini diary of me. So when i went to Manchester a few weeks ago I took my film camera out with me. I took photographs on the train, at the station, walking down the street, in a cafe and so many more. A huge part of my project is social documentary photography and it is a lot of fun to do! I believe it is one of the best types of photography because it is when you get to see people in their natural state rather than posing and fixing themselves to get a nice photograph. I will post some of my images that I developed on here soon :)

Sunday, 27 October 2013


Also I am looking into buying the iPhone 5C in the next few months. My Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini has nothing wrong with it, it is just going a little bit slow, the camera quality isn't as good as the 5C and other reasons. I think if I get a phone with a better camera then I will be more likely to post photographs from my day to day life on Instagram and on here. Also the 5C is really cute!

The past week or so...

Hey! I know I haven't posted much on here in the past week or so but I have been working really hard on taking my photographs for both my photography and media course in college. I finally developed the photographs from my film camera that I used the other day and some of the results I am really happy with, others not so much. I lent the camera once again while we was off college and I have also been using an SLR camera. On Monday night me and Ryan went for a walk around where I grew up and took quite a few photographs in places which hold a lot of memories for me. One place we went was a little pond just round the corner from mine, me and my dad would go there when I was little to feed the ducks and swans and to just really spend time together. There is this other pond too which is about a fifteen minute walk from my house and it is were me and my friend Alice would go whenever I would go round hers every now and then. I was rather happy with the photographs I took and I will post some on here soon once all the editing and stuff has been done. Then the next day I went to my cousins house and spent some time with her because we don't get to see each other that much anymore because of college and other things. I thought it would be a good opportunity to take some photographs for my media work because part of my course is to produce three pieces of 'text' and connect them with my research. So I am making a album cover, a perfume advertisement poster and a clothing line advertisement billboard poster. We took some photographs of our day together but then she also modeled for me which helped me a lot because I had to take some portraits. So soon I will post on here the edited versions of my photographs and I can then show people my work :)

Monday, 14 October 2013


Today in my photography lesson I had to carry on researching for my project and find relevant artists/photographer who can influence my work. I also had to put together a presentation of all of my research I have found on a whole. Last Thursday I went to Manchester with college and took a film camera out with me (I lent it off college the Vivitar V3800N). I still need to develop my photographs in the dark room and I am really looking forward to see what the end result is like. I will post the results of them on here as soon as possible :)

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Photography Lesson 9/10/13

Today in my photography lesson I have been doing more research into my A2 Photography project. The name of my project if People, Moments and Places. The idea of my projects is to show what people find important in their lives, how they respond to certain situations and the emotions they feel. I will be workings towards producing a series of photographs which follow certain people including myself. Where they enjoy spending their time and why, who they need in their life and how they feel emotionally day to day. I will be focusing mainly on portraits and landscapes because I believe I will be able to show my ideas through this type of photography best. I will be able to show my photography ability through this project by not only taking the photographs but editing them too. I want to add some text to my photographs to represent what I want to show through my photographs if it is not clear enough. So far I have found some really good photographers that are going to give me a lot of inspiration for my course. I am really looking forward to develop my ideas!

Monday, 7 October 2013


Have a little browse at my Instagram. I will be uploading more of my photography work outside of college on here soon! :)

Masks and Disguises.

Within my AS photography work I had a project called Masks and Disguises. I chose Antoine D'Agata as one of my photographers to research and focus on. For my artist response I decided to take D’agatas work as my inspiration to produce my motion photographs. Within these images I wanted to show how someones sexuality can be their mask and how it can change them mentally and physically. I made my model wear a lot of make up to show his homosexuality come through within the images but also made him wear a football shirt to show masculinity and his gender. Within my motion photographs I wanted to make the colours very dark but subtle at the same time to reflect what the persons thoughts are like. The colours show confusion, disbelief and unhappiness. I wanted to make my model look as though he is trying to fight off his sexuality and ‘defeat’ his inner demonds which he believes is his sexuality. Within the motion photographs I wanted to make sure that space was not used hugely. This is because I wanted it to once again represents the boys thoughts on his sexuality and make him look trapped and claustrophobic. In response to D’Agata’s images he wants to show people inner thoughts and demons through his photographs (sex, drugs, obsession’s) so with his inspiration I decided to take this matter into my own hands and manipulate it to fit into my project Masks and Disguises.

Step by step.

I used to have to go up these steps to follow the path along the nature park. Within this image I made the brightness lighter and enhanced the colours to give it a positive view. The quote "Find Yourself" can be meant in different ways. For me it means finding your place of belonging and happiness.


I went to an old nature park with my dad back in May where I would go when I was little with him and saw this little birdy.


I have decided to create this blog to show people my photography work. From in college what I have been working on for my A2 Photography course, outside of college that I do just as a hobby and my day to day photography/pictures that I take on my phone from things that catch my eye throughout the day. I love taking photographs. I love the whole process of coming up with an idea, putting it into practice and seeing the end result. Within this blog I will show my work, explain why I have taken and the details about the photograph. Thanks!:)