Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Should of known better.

Me being me I have decided to once again leave college work until last minute. I have to write my contextual study essay for my project and hand it in tomorrow. There is a lot of work to be done but hopefully it all works out in the end. But yesterday in college me and my friend Jenny started developing our film images and some of them are beginning to look really good! My project is almost like mini diary of me. So when i went to Manchester a few weeks ago I took my film camera out with me. I took photographs on the train, at the station, walking down the street, in a cafe and so many more. A huge part of my project is social documentary photography and it is a lot of fun to do! I believe it is one of the best types of photography because it is when you get to see people in their natural state rather than posing and fixing themselves to get a nice photograph. I will post some of my images that I developed on here soon :)

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