Thursday, 21 November 2013

Long time, no see!

Hey guys!
Lately I have been so busy with my college work and other stuff which is why I haven't posted like anything in the past few weeks. Basically my A2 coursework is coming along really well. I have developed a lot of my photographs and they are looking pretty good! Also last Friday (15/11/13) I went to Liverpool with college to visit the Tate Museum and we looked at the 'Art Turning Left Exhibition' which was really fun and useful. Whilst I was there I took a lot of digital photographs that I am rather proud of too! I will post them on here pretty soon (once I have edited them and what not). I will be buying my sketchbook soo too which means I can start to put everything together!

I have been looking at a few film camera's on the internet and I really like the look of the Miranda Camera's. They take excellent quality photographs and are really easy to use from what I have been told. 

Also I have been looking at the Lomography Fisheye Camera. I just think they look really cool to use, fun and cute! I have always wanted a camera with a Fisheye lens or just a camera that takes only fisheye photographs. I would really like a lens or a camera to add to my collection.

I will post my latest work on here very soon!

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